Bikemageddon in the moments before the temple burn
Bikemageddon in the moments before the temple burn

The Road to Burning Man

Rainbow Girl did a wonderful synopsis in video form, linked below for your viewing pleasure! 

The Proposal

Ring Theory went through a few iterations during the proposal process. Originally conceived as a field piece, the circular design was thrown into our submission 20 minutes before the deadline! Of course, Burning man chose this arrangement–the largest and most technically challenging–for the grant!

Tier 3
Tier 2
Tier 1
Assembly V5 3

The Team

After grants were awarded in February 2018, John assembled a team to make the project a reality!

Rainbow Girl
Rainbow Girl

The Build

Construction kicked off in April and by mid-August, all systems had been thoroughly tested and were ready for launch!

Prepping and painting
Prepping and painting
Distracted by foam!
Distracted by foam!
The first of many ring parties...
The first of many ring parties…
The fruits of our labor!
The fruits of our labor!
...and some more ring parties!
…and some more ring parties!

Panel Assembly

The projects main technical tasks involved the creation of wire harnessing to distribute power and data from a central control hub, as well as mechanical assembly of all panels and rings. Everything was smooth sailing for the most part, though our progress was occasionally punctuated by wrestling with the gravity-fed gasoline tank and insubordinate LEDs!

Laying out hoops before binding them into panels
Laying out hoops before binding them into panels
Making battle with problematic data lines
Making battle with problematic data lines
There are no easy ways to store these massive panels!
There are no easy ways to store these massive panels!
A triumphant Ivan after a successful lighting test
A triumphant Ivan after a successful lighting test
Our first fully functional panel at Bare Burn
Our first fully functional panel at Bare Burn

Finally on Playa!

After a lengthy summer of work, our team was excited to finally install the project. After being placed near the temple, our group spent about 1.5 days driving aluminum supports, erecting panels, and burying wiring. To our glee, the electronics worked flawlessly when we first kicked on the generator, and the lights gave us no trouble the entire week. Being made out of string, however, regular repair missions were needed to keep the extreme abuse of the Playa at bay. 

A CD marks the spot!
A CD marks the spot!
Initial staging -- we have a long day ahead!
Initial staging — we have a long day ahead!
A team photo at sunset
A team photo at sunset
Taking a break during an oil change
Taking a break during an oil change
Burying the many cables!
Burying the many cables!

Mission Accomplished

Ring Theory 2018 is ready to go!

Ring Theory 2018 is ready to go!

The Mushroom Hat inspects the art piece
The Mushroom Hat inspects the art piece
Yay! We finished before the temple! Its ongoing construction proceeds in the background
Yay! We finished before the temple! Its ongoing construction proceeds in the background

The Aftermath

After the event, we returned the project area to dust and settled into our next task — the project was to be fundraised by sending out 35 of the original 40 pieces as battery-powered units. The final units were sent out in early November 2018 after a lengthy period of post-Playa refurbishment. John continues to bring the remaining complete panel (5 rings) to other events around the SF Bay Area. A 28″ Ring Theory hoop also had the honor to be auctioned at the Burning Man Artumnal Gathering, where it raised $520 towards future art grant recipients. 

Back to dust!

Back to dust!

Ring Theory raises $520 for future Burning Man artists
Ring Theory raises $520 for future Burning Man artists
The dusty remains of Ring Theory, broken down and ready to begin the next phase of its life.
The dusty remains of Ring Theory, broken down and ready to begin the next phase of its life.