InCUBEate:   2019

A concept piece for a potential 2020 Burning Man bid, InCUBEate is our first adventure into a new medium! It appeared at Unscruz in May 2019, and will be a camp-based piece at Burning Man 2019. 

Consisting of a cube and base, the entire sculpture is covered with brushed stainless steel, onto which light is projected from addressable LEDs. Patterns run through the LEDs will produce jaw-dropping swaths of color across nearly every surface of the piece. The specific material we use transforms point light sources into long bars of laser-like reflection.


The Concept

To the surprise of our team, it was a refrigerator door that inspired our next endeavor! We accidentally observed the interesting combination of LEDs and stainless steel during the Ring Theory project, so we vowed to do another! But how does one turn an effect into an art piece? 

The obligatory napkin sketch

The obligatory napkin sketch

An improved computer sketch

An improved computer sketch

Stenciling and spray painting

Stenciling and spray painting

The Build

Construction took about 2 months, and various pieces of Ring Theory were recycled into this project. The cutting of the stainless steel was the trickiest challenge! A local metal shop helped us with their CO2 laser. 

Assembling the base

Assembling the base

Ivan having fun with a broken drill bit

Ivan having fun with a broken drill bit

A quick lighting test

A quick lighting test

So much soldering! We will try crimps next time.

So much soldering! We will try crimps next time.